April 1 , 2003 |
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on Scholarly Communications this Friday Submitted by Jeff Barry March 28, 2003 Library faculty -- The University of Miami Libraries are hosting a forum on scholarly communications on Friday April 4, 2003. The purpose of this forum is to help librarians within the University develop a better understanding of the issues relating to scholarly communications. A broader symposium targeted towards the teaching and research faculty is being planned for the fall semester.
Date & Time: April 4, 2003 from 9:30 am - noon Agenda: 9:30 - 9:45 Introductions 9:45 - 10:30 Julia Blixrud will provide an overview of issues in scholarly communications. Julia is Director of Information Services for the Association of Research Libraries and Assistant Director for Public Programs for SPARC, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition. See http://www.arl.org/sparc/ for more information on SPARC. 10:30 - 11:15 Catherine Candee will talk about issues involved in collaborating with faculty on issues in scholarly communications. Catherine is Director of the eScholarship Initiative of the California Digital Library. "The eScholarship Repository offers faculty a central location for depositing any research or scholarly output deemed appropriate by their participating University of California research unit, center, or department, including working papers and pre-publication scholarship." See http://escholarship.cdlib.org/ for more information on this initiative. 11:15 - Noon Question & Answer, as well as discussion about how to proceed with addressing scholarly communication issues at UM. Please let me know if you have any questions about this event. Jeff Barry 305-284-4055
tomorrow “Lunch-n-Learn”
Topic: “Tips on Using PowerPoint”
Where: Library Conference Room When: Wednesday, April 2, Tomorrow!! Time: 12:00 -1:30 PM Info: Contact Nellie Li, nmli@miami.edu X8-8321 Bring a bag lunch & we will provide the drinks! RSMAS
dinner-lecture on Thursday You are all invited! In addition to the program at Richter on Friday, Sigma XI is sponsoring a presentation by Julia Blixrud at the RSMAS campus on Thursday, April 3rd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinner-Lecture with
Grand Reopening Event
Glaser requests
the pleasure of your company to
honor for
their support toward on Otto
G. Richter Library
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There is no human resources news this week.
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for Microsoft Office”
This week’s
MS Program: Word
You can now select multiple items in Word that are not next to each other. First select or highlight the first item you want, such as a paragraph, sentence or word. Then hold down the CTRL key and select the other items you wish. This feature is
useful if you want to perform the same task on multiple items, such
as delete them or change their formatting making them Bold.
Have questions? E-mail me at nmli@miami.edu and I will answer them in the next Bulletin Board issue! For updates on
upcoming events go to: http://libstaff.library.miami.edu/cmtes/profdev/profdevtaskforce.html |