You're here now, don't turn
 Thank you for visiting U-Turn, a webzine
dedicated to allowing University of Miami students of all
majors and interests to share their writing with the world.
U-Turn features articles that address issues of importance to
college age people: sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Actually, it's
more like hip-hop, dance and reggae, but you get the picture. And,
that's not all. We've also included fashion and the guilty pleasures
of reality TV. We understand that some of our readers might have
eccentric tastes, so we've tried to throw in pieces about politics,
getting a job, and other real world issues.
From a
biography of LSD to an exploration of the merits of delaying sex
until marriage; from a eulogy to a fallen snowboarding hero to a
response to the speeches of Reverend Martin Luther King: you're
going to be stimulated, maybe even provoked, but you're definitely
going to enjoy the ride.
We've also been lucky enough to work with the UM Creative
Writing program, headed by poet Maureen Seaton. Creative Writing
major Neil de la Flor served as editor of the literary 'zine within
a 'zine, Dune Shack. Abigail Putnam was his assistant editor and
Julio Beneitez also provided input. Be sure to check out the
inspired poets and fictionists in Dune Shack.
hoping that this 'zine will be so successful that it will continue
to be a class that inventive students who enjoy writing will enroll
in for years to come--in which case we will be the original
U-Turn staff and should go down in the history of the
University accordingly! (LOL) In any event, this U-Turn staff
has boldly gone where few English Composition classes have gone
before, and from the looks of it, we all intend to keep marching in
that direction.
U-Turn came about in part due to our Supreme Leader,
Gina Maranto (at right). Don't know what she was thinking, risking
job security and reputation, trusting us to complete such a massive
project. Some of us suspect she might have had a little bit too much
fun in the late '60's, if you know what we mean. But we're glad she
had faith in us.
months of dedicated hard work and tireless effort, we're happy to
present U-Turn, an outlet for students of various backgrounds
and experiences. We've investigated and sounded off about topics of
our choice. And we'd like to think we've taken a daring, yet classy,
approach to web journalism. We say what others only want to
So, if
you're tired of the same old politically correct student newspaper
articles and humdrum web sites that stick to the status quo, this is
your place. Click on a link, come on in, and enjoy the show. And
don't forget to tell your friends. We need the free