Envisioning the Skylab: From Dreams to Reality
Library Announcements, New Library Services, Special Collections, Uncategorized June 9th. 2010, 11:29amDuring the past six months, UWF Libraries have been hard at work planning and putting together the new fifth floor Skylab: The University of West Florida Libraries 21st Century Learning Space to be housed on the top floor of John C. Pace Libraries. The Libraries are hoping for a Fall semester launch of the new learning technology facility and we’re currently more than half way there!
Recently, a group from the libraries’ Skylab committee presented a panel on Envisioning the Skylab at a conference on Academic Learning Spaces: Invention,( Re)Invention and Innovation
held at Florida State University in Tallahassee on June 7&8.
The conference brought together a spectrum of groups including
architects, academics, librarians, interior designers
and technologists to discuss academic learning spaces and
explore the latest cutting edge ideas on the development of
learning commons in academic settings.
UWF Skylab panel was comprised of Dr. Ray
Uzwyshyn, Head of Library Digital and Learning Technologies and
chair of the Skylab planning committee who presented on the
Skylab’s technology and spatial design, a project three years in gestation. You can read about some of the earlier visions here. During the panel, Director of UWF’s Curriculum Materials Library, Jeannie Kamerman spoke on meeting student needs and expectations and Interim Dean of Libraries, Lisandra Carmicheal presented on administrative necessities of
putting the larger project together. UWF Libraries are very
interested in meeting our student needs and expectations with this new
21st century learning space. With this in mind we encourage you to
review and comment on the Skylab’s design and presentations and add your
thoughts on the upcoming Skylab. We welcome your comments,
feedback and ideas. The new Skylab will very much be a dynamic
and creative student centered learning space and we are very
interested in your input in creating a great new space for the
wider UWF community.