Purposes of the Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) in the Dominican Republic
The charitable mission of BRA is guided by the philosophical principle that the workers' plight cannot be changed simply through short-term assistance or endless political finger-pointing. The workers must be provided with the opportunities to get the necessary skills - have access to resources - needed in their batey communities to become productive in order to overcome their socio-economic ills, and to become more responsible for their families.
Socio-Economic Relief
To help alleviate the workers' plight, Batey Relief Alliance (BRA) has been founded as a non-for-profit - non-political - institution with the charitable purpose of :
helping the organized and poverty-stricken workers become financially self-sufficient, and sponsoring their children so they can afford to eat and be healthy, go to school and be productive.
The organization's core mission in the Dominican Republic is to provide to the workers and their families basic commodities, basic educational support, basic medical care, and basic technical assistance.
BRA is based in the U.S., with a regional office in the Dominican Republic, to support the workers by soliciting contributions and raising funds in order to help create financial sustainability; provide services; and to promote education in the U.S and abroad about BRA's unique and systematic approach to improve the well-being of the workers and their children by empowering their batey communities so they can solve their own problems and meet their own needs.
Main | Purpose | Projects | Involvement | Application
President | Efforts | Medical | Hurricane | Future | Results | Intro | Board | Title | Credits