General Medical Care
The purpose for the Naranjo mission was to assess medical needs by way of monitoring and studying different types of cases - provide emergency, basic medical, dental and optometric care.
The purpose was also to assist the recipients managing their lives in a disciplined way and becoming better able to avoid some of life's disastrous pitfalls, including unnecessary pregnancies, high infant death rates, and sexually-transmitted diseases.
Sanitary medical conditions are a necessary precondition for the prevention of the spread of infectious disease.
Our medical findings were alarming. We discovered several cases of malnutrition, infectious and bacterial diseases, diarrhea, parasites, vomiting, high fever, cold, cataract, glaucoma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other ailments. The findings will, however, help us better allocate our financial and medical resources - better focus on future missions and our long-term medical plans for the bateyes.
There are three approaches to help resolve the medical crisis found in the bateyes. One approach is for patients to use the state-operated medical facilities. This approach does not work because the facilities are usually ill-equipped to provide basic medical care, overcrowded, and too far for most patients to reach without paid public transportation.
The second approach is to provide short-term medical care via medical missions. This approach is good because the missions take place inside of the bateyes to facilitate reasonable access. In addition, patients get complete medical care at no cost. This approach is not good either because the facilities in which the doctors operate are make-shift clinics and are not conducive to medical practice. The facilities also provide no space to store medicines, to perform advanced medical tasks, or to install medical equipments in order to provide ongoing care.
The third approach is to build a fully-equipped medical center close to several bateyes. This approach works because it will help overcome the distance issue - provide basic care - create adequate medical environments for doctors and nurses to store medicines and to perform on-going type of tasks. This approach is unique because patients will have reasonable access to free medical care provided by highly-trained specialists from the U.S and abroad.
Main | Purpose | Projects | Involvement | Application
President | Efforts | Medical | Hurricane | Future | Results | Intro | Board | Title | Credits